FPS 706 and FPS 709 via Citrix

Creation date: 8/31/2020 1:25 PM    Updated: 9/16/2020 10:29 AM   fps_706 fps_709
The FPS 706 and 709 programs do not work correctly over Direct Access VPN and as such need to be launched via Citrix.
To avoid the need to launch a full Citrix sessions just to access these programs, they have instead been set up as published applications and can be accessed as follows:

  1. Open your web browser and go to https://remote.bracheichler.com
  2. Log in with your user ID and password
  3. Validate you login via Duo
  4. Ensure that the APPS sections is selected (see below)
  5. Click on the Application you are trying to open and you should see a "Starting..." progress bar come up (see below)
  6. After a few seconds the FPS login screen should come up and then you can use the program as normal.
Note:  When printing to PDF, make sure that you select "Power PDF" as your printer.
Also when you save the PDF try saving to your H: drive instead of your desktop.