Daily Health Survey - Information

Creation date: 9/14/2020 3:44 PM    Updated: 9/14/2020 3:47 PM   daily health survey

An email will go out M-F at 8:30AM, reminding everyone to fill out their Daily Health Survey; however, you may complete the Survey any time after 1AM each day if you so choose.  In order to complete the Survey prior to the email reminder being sent out, we have created a shortcut on everyone’s desktop so that you can access it at any time, see instructions below.  You may also create your own bookmark as the link does not change from day to day.

The Survey must be completed daily, M-F.  After 10AM, Human Resources will begin reaching out to anyone who has not completed their survey and who does not have a scheduled absence for that day.

Survey Link:

Survey Instructions: